Blairlogie Community and Heritage Trust

Blairlogie Community and Heritage Trust is a charitable organisation formed to organise community events and to manage the Reading Room. In addition it owns the Reading Room, the East and West Lanes and The Square.

Residents of the Blairlogie area are encouraged to become members of BCHT. Members are permitted to vote at the AGM each autumn, are elible to be nominated as trustees and receive discounted rates for hiring the Reading Room. In return for this, members are liable to cover BCHT's debts to the value of £1. Details of how to register as a member will appear here.

Current trustees are:

Clem Flannagan (Chair, Hall Bookings)

Claire Beechey (Secretary)

Tim Beechey (Treasurer)

Craig Bryce

Angus Annan

Ian Doyle

Contact us:

For Hall bookings:

For Administration: