Blairlogie Community and Heritage Trust

Blairlogie Community and Heritage Trust is a charitable organisation formed to organise community events and to manage the Reading Room. In addition it owns the Reading Room, the East and West Lanes and The Square.

Residents of the Blairlogie area are encouraged to become members of BCHT. Members are permitted to vote at the AGM each autumn, are elible to be nominated as trustees and receive discounted rates for hiring the Reading Room. In return for this, members are liable to cover BCHT's debts to the value of £1. To become a member of BCHT, please complete the membership form and send to or to a committee member, or take along to the AGM.

We are always looking for new trustees to help keep things running, and we'd love for you to join us. If you're interested, please complete a trustee nomination form and return it to us at least 7 days before the next AGM.

For full details of the terms and responsibilities of BCHT, please see our Articles of Association.

Current trustees are:

Craig Bryce (Chair)

Prior to retiring I was assistant Principal at the City of Glasgow College. I have been retired for thirteen years but have been busy involved with The Trades House of Glasgow and The Incorporation of Hammermen in Stirling. I recently finished a stint as Patron of the Cowane’s Trust, Stirling.

Tim Beechey (Treasurer)

I originally came to Blairlogie in 1980, left in 1994, and returned in 2021 with Claire and sons David and Fraser, both currently at university. We live at Crofthouse with my mother Molly. I work at the University of Stirling administering cloud computing services, mostly working from home.

Claire Beechey (Secretary)

I'm married to Tim and have been a regular visitor to the village for about 25 years, finally moving to Crofthouse with our boys in 2021. This will be my third year on the BCHT where I am secretary and occasional publicity producer. I work in technical project management at Edinburgh Napier University and enjoy all sorts of crafts in my spare time, in particular crochet, knitting and sewing. You can find me at Chatty Crafters in the Reading Room on a Monday morning - all welcome!

Ross McIntosh (Trustee)

I’m Ross McIntosh and I live in Blairlogie Park with my wife Ailsa, and sons Alex (2) and Rowan (5 months). I work as an actuary and until recently we lived in Sydney, Australia. Ailsa and I are originally from Falkirk and love being back home close to family.

Ian Doyle (Trustee)

Having started my own business in the late sixties, I opened an additional 2 businesses in the seventies and eighties. I moved to Bridge of Allan in 1987, finally to Blairlogie in 2013, since then through the now defunct Community Council I believe improvements have been made, such as resurfacing of the village square.

Angus Annan (Hall keeper)

I live at Easter Cottage, next door to the Reading Room. I am the Hall Keeper and Beth and I have been fortunate to enjoy life in Blairlogie for forty two years.

Cherie Kelly (Trustee)

My name is Cherie Kelly, I'm an American who has been living in The Auld Kirk with my husband Tim for 5 years. I've been an interior designer, classically trained chef, property manager, and now a very busy stay at home mum of two. I love Scotland, and the community here in Blairlogie, and I look forward to raising my family here.

Una Bryce (Trustee)

I have lived in Hillside for nineteen years. Before retiring I was a teacher of English and History and marker for the Scottish Qualifications Authority. I am responsible for Logie Life and coordinate the Thursday morning walking group and the village Book Group; feel free to ask about either if you are interested!

 Contact us:

For Hall bookings:

For Administration:

AGM Minutes



Audited Accounts